
Friday, January 17, 2025

Vigil - The American Cloud of Silence

As I conduct a vigil in front of a synagogue I get people saying that it is outrageous that I am there, of all places, since I am not a Jew, why not go in front of a church? This is nonsense and the reason is easily explained. It is "The Jewish State" that is slaughtering, but let's go deeper.

I am an American, my "leader" President Biden, announced that "we stand with Israel" and that he is a Zionist. Since Zionism is ethnic cleansing, the opposite of liberty and justice for all, I am driven to openly state I am anti-Zionist and loyal to the Pledge of Allegiance. Any stranger, knowing I am an American, would not be wrong to ask me or any other American about this.

But Jews are not to be questioned about Zionism. This has come up as one of the grounds for banning pro-Palestinian protests on campus. Jewish students might be upset! This makes no sense. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu boasts that he represents all Jewry in the world and the Israel is the only safe place for them. If I were silent after Biden's remarks, I would by that indicate that I agree with him. So it is with American Jews. Silence about Netanyahu's statements is assent. Then why does this "do not question Jews about Israel" idea exist?

The reason this is so forcefully put forward in the US regarding Jews is it allows hypocrisy; by being silent one can appear to be for liberty and justice for all and at the same time be supportive of Israel. This is what the "discomfort" is all about that must be avoided. It isn't pleasant to have one's hypocrisy exposed because there is no way to defend it. As mentioned, Zionism and liberty and justice for all are antithetical. One cannot support both, yet so many Americans do and are not called on it. President Biden has been the prime example. He is not only a hypocrite, but a traitor to liberty and justice for all as is any American Zionist. He clearly has demonstrated that liberty and justice for all means nothing to him and he has gifted Israel with weapons accordingly.

I stand without hesitation in front of a synagogue with my sign that Palestinian lives matter and do not wonder that neither the rabbi or congregation members have responded to my request that they come out and join me, or even talk to me. The reason they do not is that they would need to say whether they stand for liberty and justice for all, or for Israel and that they will not do, knowing that logic demands it be one or the other. It is easy to be silent and hypocritical, and so they are. 

On America goes in a cloud of silence with Palestinians dying for it. Silence allows Zionists to be hypocritical while at the same time it allows those who might question Zionists to avoid being called antisemites. As a result, Israel goes on killing Palestinians and Zionists can say that the lack of outcry from Americans is proof that "we stand with Israel".  

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