
Thursday, October 7, 2010

the case for Jerusalem

I've come across a most comprehensive, powerful statement on Jerusalem. It covers the history of the city and continues right up to the presidency of Obama. It includes details that, though commonly known to Muslims, are quite likely new to Western ears. It is the testimony of Walid Khalidi, now an American citizen, at the United Nations almost one year ago.

Most convincing of the points made is that a solution must be reached as soon as possible. Though 40 minutes long, none of it should be skipped.

1 comment:

  1. Not one mention of the suicide bombings. That will not fly; if Israel is to be contrite, so too must others. And, as much of the Israeli political elite would have to be forced to contrition, so too those others. How that can be done, if it can be done, is the middle ground.

    The Qur'an is not a single book. In fact, I think a case may be made that it is no book at all, but something rather quite different. I have tried to make that case, somewhat, at


    as part of a larger, well, "project". There is a verse in the Qur'an which suggest a very different picture of Islam than that implictly assumed in the US. The verse goes something like "Vie amoung yourselves [meaning, in context, Judaism, Christianity, Islam] in good works, and leave your differences to me." One may find it discussed in the web page cited above. I pointed out to a Believing Muslim that if we are to leave differences to "Him," no faith can own victory; any faith might be wrong, we to find out later. The Believer remained silent, a little shocked. Now THAT kind of verse I know not in the Gospels. I am not, by the way, a Believer. Sorry for my self advertizing here.

    Lastly, I recall hearing a BBC radio comedy about Israeli Palestine negotiations, this in about 96: "We were there before you." "We have been there longer than you were ever there!" And people continue to die, or lose all they have.
