For as long as I can remember, the phrase "Israel has a right to defend itself" has been used as a conversation stopper, supposedly an unquestionable statement.
All the European colonies with the exception of Israel are gone in light of the fact that occupying the land of another people is unjust. The US pushed for the end of the European colonies...except for Israel. The United States was a colony that succeeded in exterminating the natives and becoming the country we know of today, though Americans largely agree the destruction of another civilization was wrong, easy enough to say when the process was completed long ago.
Israel wishes to achieve what the United States achieved but is confounded by the large number of native Palestinians who will not go away on their own and the outrage of the world at the attempt by Israel to now exterminate to the extent that it can as allowed by the United States.
Thus the "right to exist" argument is a fallacy as Israel has been from the start an aggressive project with might making right using the holocaust as a justification. Here is a list of "rights" that Israel has established for itself...
> Israel has the right to ignore all international law
> Israel has the right to disregard the sovereignty of its neighbors
> Israel has the right to offensively attack anyone anywhere outside of its borders yet to any response Israel claims defense
> Israel has the right to any weapon made by the United States to be used as desired
> Israel has the right to take the land from the natives
> Israel has the right to kill and mistreat the natives in any number, in any way and for as long as it wishes
> Israel has the right to install members of the US Congress with Zionist wealth applied to campaigns, with no questions asked, not a word said about foreign interference.
In summary, Israel has the right to do anything it wants to do.
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